Good governance
Istekki Oy is a company owned by its customers, which was established to serve as an in-house entity for its owners. Istekki Oy primarily produces ICMT services that generate value for its owner customers. The owners include wellbeing services counties, municipalities, joint municipalities, companies and corporations exclusively owned by municipalities and joint municipalities, and other public bodies. There is no private ownership in the company. The company provides its owner customers with strategic partnership and competitive services as well as an expert community with extensive expertise in solutions related to public administration ICT and health care technology.

Istekki Oy has a corporate governance manual, which determines good governance at Istekki Oy and how it is reflected in the duties and responsibilities of the company management and the operations of the company. The corporate governance manual was drawn up based on the Corporate Governance Code of the Securities Market Association.
It is worth noting that the company’s operations are based on its values and ethical principles, which lay a foundation for a culture of doing the right thing.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Limited Liability Companies Act (624/2006) and Istekki Oy’s articles of association and shareholders’ agreement, the administration and management of the company are divided between the Annual General Meeting, Shareholders’ Meeting, Board of Directors and CEO. In addition to this, the Management Team assists the CEO in managing the company and implementing measures that align with the company’s goals.
The company has the following documents that define its management in the following order of precedence:
- Shareholders’ Agreement
- Articles of Association
- Board Agenda
- Corporate Governance Manual
The company also has documents of lower priority levels that guide the operations in a general sense.